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Celebrations & Observances

This section provides information about various celebrations and events observed by our faith throughout the year. This section aims to offer a brief overview of our traditions, highlighting their significance and biblical foundation. We believe that our doctrine, celebrations and observances, and traditions were divinely inspired of God, given to us to our Founder, Prophet William S. Crowdy.


This is not an extensive list of our customs, practices, or beliefs. Please visit one of our locations for more information and to experience this unique, spiritual walk of life!


The seventh day (Saturday) is the Sabbath. This day is to be observed in holiness as commanded by God. It is a perpetual covenant between God and His people. 


Exodus 20:8-11~Hebrews 4:4-8~Mark 2:27~Isaiah 56:1-7~Isaiah 58:13

Holy Convocation

The mandate of God through revelation to the Prophet. This week of prayer and sacrifice is to be observed annually Tebeth (January) 3rd at sundown-10th.

Passover Memorial and Days of Unleavened Bread

The memorial of the deliverance of our forefathers from the land of Egypt. God commanded Israel, His people, to observe the sacred days annually Abib (April) 14th-20th throughout all their generations, forever. Jesus Christ himself kept and celebrated the Passover.


Exodus 12 & 13~Matthew 26:18-20

Annual General Assembly

This business conference is a dynamic and purpose-driven event that brings together members of the congregation, leaders, and individuals from the wider community in a spirit of collaboration and shared vision. This week-long gathering serves as a platform for fostering spiritual growth, leadership development, and strategic planning within the context of the church's mission. 


The first day of the Annual Assembly is dedicated to the celebration of the memorial of Prophet William S. Crowdy.

A black and white portrait of our founder, Prophet William S. Crowdy.

Prophet William S. Crowdy, Founder

"When afterwards I heard a voice speaking unto me saying....I do send thee unto them and thou shall say unto them, thus saith the Lord God; not Elder Crowdy or any other man or minister, but thus saith the Lord who is Supreme above all and in all; whether they will hear or whether they forbear, yet shall they know there hath been a Prophet in the land."
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